I have a question. Are we singles supposed to be agitated (to the point of anger) by our single status and the program that "supports" it, or are we to simply be blissfully at peace with it? Somewhere in between? I have tried all three, and while each offer different advantages, none seem to get the job done for what appears to be even the most eligible of us. I often find myself oscilating somewhere between anger and indifference. Again, no lasting peace or solution.
I may sound like a broken record, but that seems fitting for the subject matter: A broken Program. A broken system. A failed modis. Whatever. It isn't working, and sometimes I think that if the Program burned to the ground, at least everyone would have to admit that "Yep. It's time for something new."
In my part of the world, things have not looked this bad since I joined the ranks of Middle Singledom. I live in a western city of over 2.4 million people...not too far from SLC, UT. So, I can't lay the problem on a lack of Mormons or something. The activities...suck. Too many people. Not enough new people. Not enough legitimate fun.
I went to such an activity the other night. It was a game night of sorts, in a cultural hall. Sad and dumb. Dumb and sad. What is it about Mormons that they think the most appropriate place to to do ANYTHING is in a gymnasium? I'm surprised we don't hold Church there. Wait, we do on occasion. Anyway. Whatever happened to the warmth, comfort, convenience, and intimacy of people's homes? Why do the majority of activities have to be for either the "usual suspects" of a stake FHM, or for an entire region? Do we not know anything about what makes a solid, workable group, and what makes a crowd?
But I suppose I digress, while repeating myself. Again. Am I alone here? Does anybody hear me?! AHHHHHHHHHH!!
Wow, that felt good.
Suffice it to say, the problem is multifold and cumbersome, and seems to have not yet really hit the radar of Church Leadership, or many of the active Singles themselves. So, what is to be done?
Should we just wait it out? If not, then what? What's to do?
Wait it out? Some of us have been waiting a very long time.
I find it no different than it was 20 years ago.
For us to meet, in a gym, or have a dance that needs to be supervised as if we were YM and YW is insulting to my intelligence, maturity and spiritual strength.
It bothers me a lot.
I have heard similar stories from several of my friends who were in the program in the 80s. Supposedly, the current template for what constitutes all things Single in the Church was organized in the early 70s. So, if it ever worked, it only worked for the first decade and then was, in my opinion dysfunctional by the early 80s. How sad. I wonder how many people leave the Church just for that reason. Then there are those Singles that do join the church, just to quit within a year because the reality of their new-found predicament speaks louder to them than their fragile testimony.
In your words, it bothers me a lot.
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