I rarely get bored these days. Call it just one more asset to getting older...you get to know yourself better as you get practice getting to know yourself better.
Yes, this is just one more repetitive blog about the Singles Program of the Church. Just one more little blurb about how bad it is. Just one more time waster, maybe.
But that's what happens with time, right? Time itself can be a time waster depending upon how it is spent. Sometimes the things that get done and experienced are just things that were around to get done and experienced. Every moment, day, holiday, year and decade that we are alone is just what it is. It can be good, but alone nontheless. It is that sad and that important...just as it is that unsad and unimportant. How is it for you?
Maybe it is all in how you look at it...until your time is up, or even half-up. Hence, the mid-life crisis.
I think it is all a question of priorities. What are they? Where are they? How much do we really want to see things change? Is it about as much as we want to take a good look at the things that we do in order to make up for the fact that we are alone? Stamp collectioning? ESPN? Scrapbooking? The list is personal, and goes on.
Am I asking each of you who read this to go to your Singles , Ward, Stake and Regional Leaders and ask them for help with the Singles Program? You bet I am.
Am I asking you to start your own (functional) parties at your own homes in order to get people out so you can meet them? You bet I am.
Am I asking you to evaluate what you are really doing with your spare time in terms of what you really, really want in life? Am I asking us all to somehow form a team of caring singles who are determined to get the things we want and needin our own respective regions? Maybe even a support group? You bet I am.
To stop apologizing with platitudes for the way things are? To think bigger and act bigger. Yes! You bet I am.
With all due respect, try not to live up to my expectations....
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