Wednesday, October 8, 2008

"The World Ends With a Whimper"

Have you ever wondered why the Church often alludes to the idea that, throughout history, nations and societies who were highly sexualized tended to decline and, for lack of a better word, implode?
There is good reason for this, in my opinion. Consider this: When a society reaches the point that every kind gesture between the sexes is understood as sexual in nature, then interaction is pared down to either acceptance or rejection on sexual terms. In other words, there is no chance for genuine charity and Christlike love, even if that is all that is being offered. So, when a person does reach out in charity and goodwill, he or she is rejected or accepted on sexual terms only. He or she is completely misunderstood, and the rejection is far deeper than a sexual rejection. In essesnce, it is his or her true goodness that is rejected, their very being and good essence, their soul. And what happens to a person who has had one too many such rejections? Do they get mean, apathetic, cynical, or hateful? All of the above?

The next question is how does a society become over-sexualized? Well, I have only a limited idea about past dispensations, but I do know that when television/Hollywood accentuate and highlight such sexual interaction as being the only legitimate way in which men and women communicate, then we are not onlywell on our way, but waist-deep in a hollow mire. The final result can be predicted.
And that is only the beginning. Here is the next chapter of the story: Men get angry at women, and women, men. Men get angry at those jerkey men who are largely to blame for men's sexual reputation (which all men pay for), and women get angry at women for being, well, bitchey (which all women pay for.) So, we have a pissed off, over-sexualized world which can't easily figure out what has gone wrong. And when charity and legitimate goodwill are gone (Christian or otherwise), what is there left but anger, power, greed, and cynicism?
The prophets have told us to not read, view, or say things that accentuate immorality. (And many of us thought that they were somehow only half-serious. But I assure you, they were not.) Consider the famous Wiemar Republic of 1920's Germany. They were so sexualized that at one point some otherwise forgettable scientist created a "spanking machine" for kids to spank each other with... while a practiioner looked on to "scientifically" record the pleasure experienced by both the spanker and the spankee. As far as the Wiemar Republic, the list went on (although they did make some good art during the time period. )

But there was a particular artist that they found promising enough to make their national leader...mustache, anti-Semitism, and all. Yes, it was Adolf Hitler. And within a generation of the 1920's, Germany was, in many ways, leveled.

So, when people are over sexualized, do they go blind, as the old adage portrays? Or do they go deaf and dumb too? Just something to consider the next time you are on the couch and channel-surfing.

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