Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just a Reminder

In my part of the world, in my region, we seem to have a bit of a problem that I truly feel I should share with you. Supposedly many of the single women in our region like to get together and talk about the men, as well as some of the other women. They like to talk alot, it appears. Sometimes it is jealously, other times is seems to be just "something to talk about."

Many of the local men have figured it out and are afraid to date these women for fear of being talked about. It is not a ridiculous fear. Let's face it. Most relationships do not end in marriage, but they often end with both parties knowing very personal

information about each other. And who wants to risk getting their personal lives plastered to the wall, as it were?

There may be men who are partially responsible for this as well, but is appears to primarily be a female activity. There are even men who have expressed the fact that they no longer want to date Mormon women for this reason. Can you blame them?

This dynamic seems to happen so often in large groups that it may appear to be acceptable and normal for Single Mormons to do the same. And even if it is unacceptable, it may appear inevitable and that there is nothing that can be done about it... so it therefore becomes acceptable on those terms. If so, then I ask you: Are entire generations of people who do not get married is also acceptable? Can we as adults in the Church of Jesus Christ afford to be so willfully ignorant as to let ourselves believe that this behavior is acceptable or inevitable? I think not. Instead, let us keep as secret by keeping a secret (not by telling one person while telling them that it is a secret.) Let us realize that everyone has baggage, just by the virtue of living, and that married people are just as prone to having problems as singles are (except that they often can keep their problems and personal weaknesses under wraps.) Let us be Christlike in this aspect and give everyone, including ourselves, a running chance at finding happiness in this lifetime.

I mean really, after all the trials we all experience in this life, do we really need this issue to add to it? Until we fix this problem, we all are at risk, and no one is safe. And it is not the office that knows too much about us, or the extended family. It's the region, as in potentially all the singles in the city that you live. So, is it a problem, or is it a problem? I assure you that is indeed a problem. Your's, mine, everyone's.

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