This is a continuation of the first "The World Ends With a Whimper" written two days prior.
So, what happens on the grander scale when over-sexualization becomes the mainstay, the norm, the modis for human communication? Well, initially (as was discussed in the previous post) the world gets to be a harsher, more emotionally isolated place to be.
But what next? This is just a guess, but here goes: People end up becoming more prone to falling for government promises to make everything better from "goodwill toward men" to "a chicken in every pot" to "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony." Great ideas. They are very noble in and of themselves for any and each person to aspire to. But from the government? I mean truly, can the government ever replace the

responsibility for human kindness that is the God-given responsibility of every person on the planet?
But it makes for good campaign speeches by politicians with other motives. And like sheep, so many good and sweet folk flock to the sound of promises of panacea.
Does this seem like anything like what we are witnessing today? I could wax quite political at this point...since it is election season, and the American consciousness seems to be split in two inconsolable halves.

What I will do is ask you, dear reader, a question that I myself cannot yet solidly answer, other than with what I believe to the the simple truth of "No Jesus, no peace. Know Jesus, know peace." What else can we do? What do we do about the fruits of oversexualization have taken hold (anger, apathy, greed, etc...?) What now? Do we simply sit and wait for the Second Coming and raise the white flag, or do we live in a way that strives retain a more pure and innocent corner of the world for others to discover and follow? Do we try to convince our non-member friends of the value of not subscribing to on-line porn or the softer porn of popular culture? Do we eschew the mass anger and cynicism that can be found everywhere (even in ourselves?) Besides us just turning it all off, is there more that we can do? If there is, I am ready to do it.

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